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3 Signs Superman Is Killing You

Writer: Josh ColeJosh Cole

It’s a bird…It’s a plane…

It’s Superman!

Flying around like Superman kills.

The demands are constant.

     Fix this! Help! Make it better!

     Do something!

And how about those expectations?

     Hear everything.

     See everything.

     Be invincible.

     Always be strong, fast, smart.

     Show up when needed.

     Give up your life for everyone else.

When you put on the big “S”, everyone expects you to be, well, super.

Are you trying to be Superman?

Here are 3 signs that being Superman is killing you and the way to lay your cape aside.

Constant Pressure to Perform or Save Is Killing You

It’s impossible to rest when you’re Superman.

Obligation weighs so heavily upon your shoulders that just knowing you could help convinces you that you should.

Giftings and skills become taskmasters.

Even when we schedule for R&R, our super-eyes and super-ears are always scanning for problems to solve.

This lack of rest often makes us irritable (even towards the ones we are trying to save!).

If you can’t wind down or feel comfortable caring for yourself, you are trying to be Superman.

It’s killing you.

Dangerous Pride Is Killing You

When we fly higher, move faster, and display our strength, we inevitably see how much lower, slower, and weaker our fellow humans are.

And that’s when pride settles into our perspective, our tone of voice, and our decisions.

This arrogance is kryptonite!

It destroys relationships by preventing mutual respect.

And it’s mutual respect that keeps us interested in each other and willing to learn from one another.

Pride creates a false sense of safety because it prevents honesty about character flaws or misbehavior.

And if we don’t admit to the damage we’ve done, we won’t make critical changes.

“We change our behavior when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing.”

Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend Boundaries With Kids

If you don’t respect the contributions of others and don’t see any necessity to grow, you’re trying to be Superman.

And it’s killing you.

Isolation Is Killing You

It’s lonely being Superman.

You can’t be human when you’re super-human.

There’s just something incredibly comforting about the connection we create when we share our imperfections and see that others have the same flaws.

Superhumans can’t reveal their weaknesses though because obligation and pride drive them.

So, they take the spotlight and glory in exchange for fellowship.

When your inner world is volatile with anxiety, but your external persona is kept nice and strong through sheer willpower, no one knows the real you.  

They only knew the superhero that you pretend to be.

If you feel distance from others because you can’t allow them to see your mistakes and weaknesses, you’re trying to be Superman.

And it’s killing you.

Stop Being Superman!

Give Clark Kent Some Love.

The DC hero, Superman, kept his family safe by living a normal human life as his alter ego, Clark Kent.

Clark Kent (at least Christopher Reeve’s rendition) was the exact opposite of Superman in every way except his principles.

Superman was super strong and bold. Clark would act weak and shy.

Superman was indestructible. Clark would wince or act hurt when anyone grew loud or physical around him.

Superman was suave, Clark was awkward.

Why did Superman go to such lengths to hide Superman?

His family needed Clark Kent—he needed Clark Kent.

Clark Kent protected his family and gave him a fulfilling life.

Refusing to be superman will do the same for you, but…

You’ll have to laugh at your mistakes, allow people to underestimate you, and even let the spotlight shine on someone else.

But that very humility will allow you to be known and proud.

You can be proud of your achievements when you’ve done them for the good of others, not your ego.

You can be proud when you’ve accomplished them without hiding your fears and faults.

How can you be proud of something that you pretend is simple or easy for you?

Embrace your Clark Kent and you’ll be on your way to enjoying life more.

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